The national inventory change of Cambodia is the Cambodia Securities Trade Security Guard Company, located in Cambodia. The purpose of the alternative is to obtain high financial growth by enabling flows of capital, funding, and reallocation of capital based only on the processes of capital markets. The alternative security guard company in cambodia are located at the Canada Tower in Phnom Penh, the metropolis that serves as the capital of Cambodia. As of the end of the year 2016, the csx was determined to have the smallest general market capitalization for its listed groups of any inventory alternate in the entire world, with a total capitalization of the market cap that reached $2 in the United States of America.

Four billion. The Cambodian Ministry of Economic System and Finance (mef) and the Korea Exchange (krx) came to an agreement in November 2006 to expand the securities market in Cambodia through the signing of a memorandum of competence. In november of the following year, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdech Hun Sen, presided over an international conference aimed at promoting the launch of the Cam Securities Marketplace Project. In March of 2009, the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Korea Exchange inked a "joint-mission agreement" to establish a stock market. This agreement was made possible by the korean exchange. On February 23, 2010, the Cambodian securities trading was then integrated into the market. The MEF holds ownership of 55% of the registered capital, while krx holds ownership of the remaining 45%. Listings
The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority has emerged as the most important domestically-focused company to be listed on the Cambodian Securities Exchange. Investors demanded more than ten times the amount of available stock, which resulted in the company's shares shooting up by 48 percent on the first day of trading. Grand Twins Global, a Taiwanese clothing manufacturer, had its debut trading day on June 16, 2014, making it the second inventory to be listed at this time (February 2015). There are currently five shares that are listed on the market as of the year 2019, and they are for the following companies: phnom penh water deliver authority, grand dual global percent., phnom penh independent port, phnom penh special monetary sector, and sihanukvile self sufficient port. In addition, the Csx has obtained listings for two company bonds from hatha kaksekar limited in 2018 and lolc cambodia p. C. in 2019. continue reading....